I hated this post. Not your storytelling. Just the fact that this would happen. Good dose of anxiety to start my week, yes!!

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Sep 20, 2021Liked by Mike Arnold

Hey NM! What a tale! When they come to write the history of Life-in-a-Pandemic your story should certainly be included. Unbelievable. On a much smaller scale: we managed to get to France for 10 days, arriving back last Thursday. We knew, because our wonderful government insisted, that we HAD to have proof of a negative test taken two days or less before we flew back. We duly went to the nearest test centre, which was very straightforward, forked out a €100 and had the (negative) results ready to show on our phones. Once we arrived at London Gatwick there were NO customs officials to be seen. We just used the automatic e-gates to verify our passports and were on our way in a jiffy. Total waste of money. We also have to provide proof of a negative test two days AFTER we arrive back in the UK. We forked out another £110 for that - word has it that there are dozens of ‘cowboy’ outfits operating these so-called tests who never send back the results (having pocketed the loot where’s the incentive?). And you can be sure the government won’t chase it up. Sheesh! What a joke! Still I hope despite all of your travails your golfing was enjoyable! UJ

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